Wednesday 2 January 2013

The obligatory New Year post…

So, it’s reached that stage of proceedings when I feel that I ought to jump on the annual band-wagon and review my year in some meaningful way. There’s a lot that could be said:  It’s been undeniably tough and busy, but ultimately it’s mostly been fun and potentially life-changing.

2012 was the year when I truly decided to pursue my career in earnest. I suppose the highlight would be my career change. I’ve landed in what I may call a dream job. My new job has been equally challenging and fun. Finally after years of drifting, doing odd stuff in the name of career, I'd found a right direction! Also, the career change has lead towards swapping my guilt-free spare time for shelves of new work-related books, journals and exercise books of hurriedly scribbled notes. It’s been a challenge trying to fit the study between full-time job and my other stuff... but I am still genuinely enjoying it. 

Right after a series of turbulence or you may call it a disaster… in my previous work place. It was a total devastation that i thought why on earth the universe is making me to cross the path to hell-hole... but the realization now is, of course it is also the life-altering part... where my new job comes with attractive remuneration package and a whole new perspective of work in a fast lane :) Finally I'm able to clearly see how much I’m worth! My skills, knowledge and what I actually could achieve work-wise is actually being valued and rewarded equally with no bigotry. And most importantly my voice is being heard and my words actually carry some sorta weight around here. Isn’t it wonderful?

Plus, in 2012, I’ve also gained a whole heap of lovely new friends and also managed to get in touch with some child-hood/old friends (thanks to FB & LinkedIn) along the way and have had some amazing opportunities to boot (where does that phrase come from, by the way?).

Anyway, with all this life altering stuff going on in my life, still managed to squeeze in number of fruitful vacation time. Of course the best part would be my two fabulous Langkawi breaks. One with my dear friend @Anu and the other one with… let just say family & friends. And, of course my other fabulous trip would be the one with my new colleagues to Tioman Island. It was equally memorable one though I realized my new found friends/colleagues are rather young and keeping up with their energy level is quite stressful for me. Apart from this, throughout the year my weekend drive-about trips to Malacca city, water-fall lookouts at Pahang, PD getaways and Jalan-Jalan trip to Penang was equally enjoyable.   

Anyway, it has not all been plain sailing by any means, believe me, but ultimately I end the year feeling very grateful for everything and especially all the people in my life (including the ones responsible for making it difficult) and everything I’ve been able to do… I mean, if it’s not because of my certain ex-boss aka Mr Titspervert (yes, he stares at my tits... sometimes) I wouldn’t have landed this great job and able to feel secure both money-wise (after years of financial disability) and mentally (like a boost to my self-esteem and respect). Therefore, no matter how much I would like him to drop dead; I still had to thank him for letting me go. 

Do I have any New Year’s resolutions this year? Nope. Not really. But I’ve decided to spend more time and my hard earn cash in traveling. Venice, Vatican, Verona and of course beautiful Rome, an area with which I think I have fallen irrevocably in love lately! Since I surely can spare some extra cash for traveling purposes this year, I guess, I shall pack my gears for my Italian escapade :) and I am absolutely determined to do this… 

So, thanks to everyone (inclusive of those who have consciously wounded me) – it’s been fun! Happy ending of 2012 to you all and wishing you all the very best for an exciting, fulfilling, peaceful and cheerful 2013!

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