Wednesday, 6 January 2010

My Wish List

Another year has gone by.

A year that was not so much meant for me, rather it was a crazy one. And there is still certain lingering sense of dissatisfaction as the New Year started. May be, I could have done a bit more, achieved a bit more. I wish I had gone to new places, tried out some new things. I wish I had an exciting job. I wish I had read more books. But I guess, if wishes were planes, the beggars would fly...

Normally, I don’t make New Year resolutions. I know I am incapable of keeping them. I prefer to make some wishes instead. If they are granted, I feel happy. If not, I know they were never not meant to be fulfilled. After all, there is also something called destiny.

So this year again, I have made some wishes. Who knows whether they will be granted or not, but there is no harm in praying for fulfilment, is there?

So here it is, my wish list for the year 2010.

1. While waiting for the New Year count down at TSB with Anu, I had this strange thought or rather hope crossing my mind. I thought… this is it! This is what exactly I need. This is what I’ve been waiting for. And I’m going to go for it! Of course it’s too private to reveal the details here though I might if it gets fulfilled. I guess. I will need some hand holding for this.

2. I wish there were companies that would employ educated and competent Indian woman who has plenty of experience, talent & skills for a well-paid job. I wish the corporates would understand that we deserve the equal right (and $$) regardless of race and gender.

3.I wish shedding some extra kilos that I have piled up would be as exciting and as easy as eating yummy food.

4. I wish the smaller things in life that annoys me everyday like the bad traffic would get better this year.

5.I wish I could blog about general, mundane things, like the movie that I watched last week or the children playing in the park rather than bickering bout my ever-not-so-perfect life.

6. I wish I would be able to totally conquer my anger. I battle with belligerence and pretty much lose every time. I scream, I use hateful words and I snap back. What's worse, I hang on to my frustrations and never let go. I wish I had more control over my self. I wish I would learn to be calm and serene this new year.

7. I wish I could meet all my friends more often. There is nothing like talking to those people you have grown with, physically as well as mentally. I wish all of them lived near by and I could drop into some one's house unannounced.

8.I wish, I will be able to start saving and reduce some of my unnecessary expenditures.

9. And lastly, I wish I could have a better relationship with my family members.

So that's about it. That was my wish list 2010. Towards the end of the year, I will know how many of them have come true. I wish the year would end soon! And yes, I wish each one of you a very, very happy New Year! Have fun always.