Wednesday 12 September 2007

am i the one who watched it all?

I know I can't be the only one out there who has made it through Sex & the City - the entire series. It was a hit with legions of followers. That's why I get really confused when I read things that talk about how Carrie and the girls would be so disappointed at a single girl saying she wanted a relationship or wanted to settle down.

I've heard this casually dropped in various places, but I was moved to write by reading in Judith Strauss's Unhooked Generation (anu, u have to read this one). Near the start of her book, she's weaving a tale of her single-hood and mentions she eventually reached a point in her life where her career and independent lifestyle just weren't doing it for her. When she paused for a moment she would find she was lonely and unfulfilled.

She went on to say she had been ashamed of this feeling and that the Sex & the City girls would be sneering at her. Huh? Maybe she didn't get obsessed and buy the entire series like I did, but did she at least watch season 6? Agreed...the girls were strong singles who embraced life with fashion and style. However, the girls let their vulnerable sides show throughout the series. They were all on a quest for the right one, going through several "right one for right nows". Even Samantha's revolving door snagged a couple of true loves. That final season saw each of the girls reaching that point, that place of truly knowing where your heart should be.

I cried way too much at the raw humanity in the last few episodes. One thing was clear to me even through my tears. These single women we all adored and some wanted to be... they were just like the rest of us searching for that final piece of the puzzle.


Sreekara Sharma said...

I hope Im speaking for the rest when I say, we all adore you, and we truly hope that you'd find the final piece of the puzzle soon enough. Technically, the last piece of the puzzle would be the only one left standing so there shouldn't really be any trouble slapping it on, but in most cases, its like the analogy where some domestic dog or cat has taken the last piece away. And its quite a mission trying to figure out where the poor woof or meow could have left it, and no form of violence could get a confession out of them. I guess what Im really trying to say is... the only thing thats gonna reveal that final piece of the puzzle is patience, and the belief that the piece is STILL in existence.

sri said...

Sharky – ur quite a shark aren’t u… well, I guess u r right, finding the final piece is quite a fiddly thing and requires lotsa patience. But the snag between ‘the patience’ and ‘the looking’ is, most of us got lost into a zone full of questions… what if we never able to solve the puzzle… what if the missing piece is forever lost (mebbe chewed by neighborhood cat)… OR am I looking for it at all the wrong places… … and what I hate the most is why am I still looking for “IT” in a first place? I wish I have answers for all these questions - tq anyway for ur comment.

Unknown said...

This made me laugh, cos I hadn't actually watched SATC till very recently- I'd watched a few episodes here and there, but about 2 weekends back, I sat down with the entire 1st season, and now I have the second season arriving in the post for this weekend ;) It scared me how real it was, to my life anyway. . .

As for looking for the answers, I have to say I agree with that comment you just made- it pisses me off that I'm even looking for the answer. . .

Take care, sweetie,


Anu said...

I can only speak for myself when I say sometimes, I feel like there is all hope in the world that I will find that final piece of the puzzle. And then there are many more times that I believe that it will forever , elude me. I bounce from one spectrum to another while trying to take each day one day at a time. But I sincerely hope that this final piece of puzzle is revealed to all of us. And oh yes, I adore all u guys!

sri said...

mm - enjoy watching the episodes (makes sure complete till the 6th season).

anu - yea, ur absolutely right... jumping from one scene to another hoping tat would be the final piece is... well, HOPE rules!

and i adore all of u too...