Thursday 24 April 2008


It's amazing how you can waste days, months...even years of your life, living in the past. Stuck on a page...reading the same words over and over...seemingly powerless to take that turn the page to see what happens next.

But at some point you have to take a deep breath and just do it. pulling off a band-aid. And once that initial shock wears realize that there are pages and pages of this book left to read and you were only on the first chapter.

Currently I don't have guts to pull my band-aid. I hope there will be someone with me to hold my hand and say, "It's gonna be ok." Someone who can make me understand that there will never be anything in that first chapter worth missing out on. It was just setting the stage for an even better ending...


Anonymous said...

A couple weeks ago, I needed my sister to take off a bandage for me because some of the tape was on a weird spot on my shoulder (where I had trouble reaching). For some dumb reason, she peeled the tape off really slowly. Who the hell does that? You have to rip it off quick. It's the only way.

I bet I'm being too literal, though. :P

sri said...

phil... haha funny!!