Wednesday 16 April 2008

the request

Dear Universal Powers That Be,

I've come to accept that you are incapable of minding your own business when it comes to my personal life. If you insist on sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, I ask that you at least use the following as a guideline for your misguided (though well intentioned) hints and nudges.

Before you drop anymore eligible men on my doorstep, it would be wise for you to update your screening process and refrain from sending me anymore...: married men, gay men, men old enough to be my father, assholes or losers.

The preferred qualities a man must posses (aside from actually being straight and single) are: intelligence, kindness, thoughtfulness, humor and a fondness for children (though not in a perverse way.)

Finally, if it is within your power, someone who is masculine and yet a gentleman would be nice. I think deep down we all want someone who will make us feel protected and treated like a lady.

Thank you for your good intentions.


P.S. Broad shoulders and strong hands are a plus!


Anonymous said...

"fondness for children but not in a perverse way"
you had me laughing so hard sri.


Anonymous said...

dear Sri,
all our operatives in your area are currently unavailable, but thank you for your time in raising this important issue with us. in the mean time we recommend that you go to the S'pore and enjoy the company of such gentlemen as Jay who will not only look after you while you are there, but also take you to a castle if he can find one.
a higher operative in the great scheme of the powers that be than those within your own area, he may also attempt to assist you with some good advice and stuff like that...he's good at that

The Powers That Be
(aka Jay)

sri said...

LOL. Jay I just want to give you a big kiss!

Anu said...

So true! We all want someone wo will make us feel protected and a lady!

sri said...

anu... I guess the feminist in us always require that little ‘protectiveness’… despite the fact that we are perfectly capable of ‘protecting’ our self most of the time.

露出 said...


グリー said...
