Friday 18 July 2008

dark day

You know, I've spent a lot of my life believing in tales of Karma and living by the rule that in being a good person and doing kind things...good fortune would befall me.

These days I'm beginning to wonder if that was nothing more than just a children's tale.

It seems that just when I found my days filled with sunshine and happiness...a hooded figure drew near and stole the sunshine right out of the sky.

Leaving me to stand alone in the dark.

Leaving me unable to find my way.


Anonymous said...

I totally believe in karma too ... but sometimes I have my doubts about how the universe shows our good deeds back to us... keep having faith...


Anonymous said...

Keep lighting those candles for other people, shining your light upon them, some of that glow will fall back on you, and until then (and beyond), we'll be here with you, for you. Hugs to you, xoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh no, that doesn't sound so good. Just wanted to say I dropped by your blog to see what you've been up to, and here's a HUGE hug to keep you going. I hope things turn the corner soon!!

Miss you,

sri said...

hey ppl... i'm ok right now. it was just 'u know' a day...