Sunday 18 January 2009

happening endings...

Something's come to my attention over the past few days.

I've discovered that I like happy endings. The girl gets the guy or vice versa, big kiss on the lips, everything is tied up nicely with a bow and the world is a happy shiny place in the end kind of happy endings. Don't know why exactly I just do.

Which probably accounts for why I mostly read romance and stories where I'm pretty much assured that the resolution at the end will be a good one. Books where people have to suffer throughout do not appeal at all.

And which probably accounts for why I place feelings on things, people, places, etc. that don't actually belong there.

and I'm sure I'm going to get it...if I wait long enough...

*taps foot*

Okay, this waiting crap is for the birds, looks like I'm going to have to hack it out on my own... :)


Brown Sugar said...

I just wanted you to know..that i think you're a fantastic and Anu both...i read you peoples stuff all the time :) Keep em coming..i can sooooooo relate to it.


sri said...

tq nalina aka ms seductive :)