Wednesday 15 September 2010

i need a hug...

Bad days... we all have them and they downright suck!

Today, I'm having a bad day at work!

Everything about today was royally sucked and I feel like I am being torn to go in 18 million directions.

Really, all I want to do is just go home, lock myself in the washroom and cry.

But I am not going to. I just keep reminding myself that tomorrow I will wake up and it will be a new day. Today - I just need to keep wading my fat arse though this pile of shit life has presented me. Seriously, what do i have to do to get little attention around here???

So, here's the plan for tonight, after this piece of shitty day is over, I am heading to Chillis to inhale the smell of margaritas, then I have to solve some personal issues and then go to sleep and never think about this day again.

Boooo to bad days I say! BOOOO!


Suresh Nair said...

You will get over it. Look forward to the Happy Days to come!

Where can I deliver the hugs.

sri said...

thx suresh, but i dun think i can get over it! not till i get my laptop! and something tells me that its not going to be any soon :(

Anu said...

let's go for margarita's soon and have more happy days...

sri said...

heyyyy.... anu, ur back :) Let's do the margaritas k... Im sooo in need of booze & happy days.