Saturday 8 July 2006

the glass is half full...

I am a firm believer in having no expectations. I think that if you go through life not expecting anything then you will rarely be disappointed. This theory has actually worked out very well for me since it I adopted it awhile ago. I have my moments of weakness though when I wish with all my being for something special to happen and so, if it doesn't, I find myself getting down. These are the times when I get a little crazy and decide I am over someone. It's a silly thing though because if true feelings are involved then how can they dissipate so quickly? What gets me out of a funk like that is focusing on the good.It sounds simple because it is. Instead of worrying and feeling crappy because a certain someone didn't call, welcome feelings of elation when he/she does. So your night together ended early-why stress over that when you can think back to the good times you did have? If you don't expect can't be disappointed.

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