Wednesday 28 February 2007

initiative can be intricate

Speaking with a lady-friend got me thinking about what would move things along in my single life (i.e., obtain boyfriend...check), and I've determined that she's right... initiative would help immensely. That and a natural ability to not make a guy who's acting interested feel like an ass. In my humble opinion, initiative is not so easily attained. In fact, for the deathly shy (like me) initiative is like climbing the Everest in a wheelchair. Probably not impossible, but it would take one brave s.o.b. to attempt it. How can I get brave in that area of my life? Because, really, what have I got to lose? (dignity comes to mind.) I can pick a fight with a man, get a tattoo, fly across the world by myself, eat bugs, teach bunch of spoilt teenagers, speak in front of hundreds of people, and I can't smile and make eyes at a boy? Hmmm. New addition to the "check" list...take some initiative with the boys ; )

1 comment:

Anu said...

Ur absolutely right-why is it that u can do so many other things but can't batt ur eyelashes at a guy??
Hope ur inspired to be initiative. ;)