Tuesday 6 March 2007

i've been a bad, bad blogger...

But to be quite honest, i haven't felt like explaining my current situation regarding members of the opposite sex. It would take up pages and really, i don't think you want to read about it ;-) So instead, i will describe to you the difference between men i am attracted to and men that are attracted to me.

Men I am attracted to:
~are quite intelligent. most times a bit more intelligent than me.
~are quite proficient in the usage of english
~have an incredible sense of humor
~have a slight arrogance about them
~are goal-oriented
~like relationships/love but are not complete horn dogs
~are taller than me
~are scruffy

Men that tend to be attracted to me:
~are more street smart than book smart... which leads to them having a
~lack in proficient english grammatical skills
~do not have much of a sense of humor
~are quite narcissistic
~are only after one thing. and you know what that thing is
~complete idiots (literally)
~way too old for me

Now, i'm not saying that the men i am attracted to are not attracted to me. It happens, just not as often as I'd like it to.

This makes it very hard for me. With this list of "pros" and "cons" i head off to the labyrinth of fantasy land. That's right. Perhaps the men will be fruitful and my multiplying need for a good kiss will be satisfied. Wish me luck ladies...


Anonymous said...

At least you have men attracted to you- I don't seem to have any of those!!! Sigh. . .

On the other hand, your description of them as "complete idiots" had me laughing so hard. . .

Good luck in finding the perfect kiss- I'm on a search myself. . .


Anu said...

Men I am attracted to vs Men who are attracted to me - that's been soooo familiar for me these days!
Well, at least u have some variety aka spice in your life! :)

sri said...

well, ladies, MEN!! are very complicated creatures.

cant live with em! cant live without em!

anyway, it's nice to hear from both of u at d same time..:)


*ps - am still waitin for my perfect kiss [with the perfect man]*