Monday 19 March 2007

kick him where it hurts

When I was in primary-4 I had a crush on one of the neighborhood kid, we shall call him chubby cheek, but I was so shy and worried of rejection that I never did anything about it. Sure, it was primary-4 so what all could I have done, but it caused me to miss out a little on that elementary school Boyfriend/Girlfriendness. I tried though, in my little way, to let him know that I did indeed like him back:

I kicked him in the shins while we waited at the bus stop.

I know, it's ridiculous! We would stand there, waiting for the school bus and I would just kick him, over and over in the shins and he would stand there and take it like a "man." Nothing ever came of my weird way of flirting but I think it was because he and his family moved to another town the following year. I kind of missed him for quite awhile and always felt like he would have been my Neighborhood Love had we grown up in the same area. We would have inevitably dated or hooked up or something, I just know it.

But I digress a little because the reason I started writing about kicking the guy I liked is because I'm starting to wonder if I should bring back my elementary way of flirting. I feel like I need to kick some sense into some guys (ok, one in particular) and get em to realize that I'm in like with them.

1 comment:

vickna said...

in like with him!?
i would freak out if a woman kicked me..
try reversing the roles and buy the poor chap a beer... works wonders..
if he's still being daft, biting always works.. =P