Thursday 17 May 2007

creating opportunities for love

A friend of mine has a 2007 goal to fall in love. My first thought was You can't make someone fall in love with you!, but then I thought Why not? It's not about taking over someone's mind and forcing them to have feelings for you, it's about making things happen, which "TA-DA", is one of my things to remember to do this year.

For example, how likely is it to fall in love while sitting at home watching heroes and gray’s anatomy? Hmmmm, not very likely, eh? How likely is it to fall in love while being antisocial at a party? A little more likely only because other people are involved, but how many guys want to talk to the girl in the corner?

I think the 2007 Fall In Love goal is completely feasible if looked at from the mindset of creating the opportunities to fall in love and for others to fall in love with me. I think it's about being out there and being myself and being absolutely fabulous. Who wouldn't want to fall in love with me? I just need to give them the opportunity!

I love 2007 already!


Anonymous said...

I'm never the girl in the corner but I've never fallen in love either.

Regardless, I love your attitude. I hope the person your friend (or you) falls in love with loves her back even more.

Anonymous said...

that's a great mindset. i hope 2007 brings you love and a whole lotta fun! - jo

Anonymous said...

You pretty much took the words right of my brain with this post. I've got to start focusing in the same way.

And hey, *I'm* in love with you, and I don't even go for girls. So if you can charm a straight girl, I don't think it'd be too hard to make a guy see your fabulousness.


sri said...

miss syl - aw! you are too sweet..)