Friday 20 July 2007

dazed and confused

I feel bad for not posting, but I'm just at such a weird place right now that I don't feel like I have much to say. I'm in the midst of letting my moral and pragmatic sides battle it out. The moral side is winning at the moment, but it's only hanging on to its lead by a smidge. *sigh*

I'm at the point where I can't even decide if I'm happy or sad about the situation. Why is this even a situation where a decision is appropriate? I can't even figure that out. I can't figure anything out. I want to have a theme for this post, something to focus on but for the life of me I cannot wrap my mind around anything right now. So instead, I am going to go to sleep with hopes of having really nice dreams because lately that is all I can get. And I don't mean boyfriend dreams, I mean nice dreams. I think I'm happy, in fact I know I am happy. I'm just one frustrated - little camper!

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