Friday 23 November 2007

at a loss for words

Ok, I’m gonna come straight to the point at today’s post.

So, we all know how boys and their...uhm...well, their 'part' comes in different sizes right? Well, completely unbeknownst to me... so do women!!

Apparently one hooha is not the same as the next!! I am aghast (new word I’ve picked up lately) people!

So, now I've got all these questions... is one size better than the other? Do men have a preference? Does it play a factor in their (u know) sexual satisfaction?

Worst of all, how do you know if you have a right hooha or not? Now I'm all paranoid... worried that I could be walking around with an abnormal hooha. :o(


Anonymous said...

You are funny! Hooha?!!

OK, just how did this first become apparent to you? and why would it be an issue or a problem? I mean gals come in all sizes & shapes right? leg sizes, arm sizes, breast sizes, shoulder widths, head shapes, face shapes, all can differ & vary quite naturally in any population. Why would we think any other parts of our anatomy are somehow immune from these simple universal biological rules? Just wondering... Cheers & Good Luck.


Anonymous said...

OH good lord, how would you even know what your "size" is. Great, now that's all I'm gonna think about! And I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant, which means things could be getting larger as I type......:)


Anonymous said...

I am totally laughing at this post!! And of course the word hooha!

sri said...

yea, i know "hooha" pretty funny uh, actually i picked that up somewhere in the net, its not mine! and ur absolutely right, hooha is just another body part and human anatomy is pretty unique and interesting to know as its comes in diferent shapes and sizes.

ur cute...:) and i cant wait to see ur liitle one, make sure send photos k.

:) im laughing tooo.. i dont know how on earth i got tis idea of writing a post on hooha... its just so...well, 'politically incorrect' to write bout hooha from where i came from.