Tuesday 27 November 2007

what if...?

So often I hear the following phrase, "But I don't want to mess up our friendship." and for a long time I was not only someone uttering those same words but I was a firm believer that friendships should be taken care of. But earlier today, it occured to me: Why be miserable maintaining a friendship when there could be so much more? Why live with the words "What if...?"

What if we date and can't get back to being friends?
Well, maybe if a friendship can't withstand a try at love it wasn't the most stable friendship to begin with. But what if...you never tried and you are only friends with Mr/Mrs. Right for the rest of your life?

I'm not even going to try to say I've met someone whom I would consider "Mr. Right" but, I know the frustration and at times, heartache of having an intense desire to know if there could be something more with a friend. They are feelings that have waned over the years so that now I know things worked out how they should have with those people. As I face these same situations at this point in my life, I definitely have a different outlook.

I have not come to a conclusion about potentially ending a friendship for a try at love. This just a theory, but i am also torn over the following questions :
Which is worse...only being friends with someone who might be your "soul mate" (a future blog topic, yes) or losing a friend in a quest of find that "what if"?


Anonymous said...

I'm always one to believe "tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all"


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with ‘sb’ wholeheartedly. That leap, no matter how brief it may be, is worth whatever fallout may come. I was in your shoes. We took that leap from friendship into "relationship", and I got to experience an amazing love for the next two years of my life. Even though it did end, I wouldn't change it for the world. Did we remain friends...no. There is no animosity, but it just couldn't be. I do believe this man was my soul mate, and to honest (and possibly viewed as incredibly stupid), a part of me believes we will merge again when the time is right in both of our lives. But, even if we don't, I'll always have that love...that experience. I'll have many friends in life but very few loves like that.

Run...jump...leap...do it.
