Thursday 17 January 2008

Do I feel like writing?

No, not particularly. But at the urge to keep the blog alive....I'm here.

A little dazed and out of focus...but here nonetheless.

I guess no one ever said that life was going to be easy but what they failed to mention was that it was going to be filled with bumps and bruises, stubbed toes, paper cuts, headaches, sleepless-nights, curse words and water retention.

Not to mention worthless ex-boyfriends, former friends, clinically insane housemates, and demonically possessed co-workers. I guess it's just one of those minor details that parents forget to let us in on. Advice that should have been sandwiched in sometime between the "adult talk" and the "proper use of credit cards.”


Anonymous said...

Big apologies for the cliched: Weigh it up against all that is great :-)

Feel better - J

Anonymous said...

Hey! I haven't written in ages- happy new year! I love the part about water retention being one of those crappy things. . hope things start looking up soon- either that, or eat lots of chocolate, which is what I've been doing :)


sri said...

mm - well, meeee too have been bit of elusive lately, will write to soon k. and terms like water retention and fluctuating hormone levels are kinda common in my life nowadays, i guess, chocolate could help.

Happy new year to you too dearie...