Wednesday 18 March 2009

a cure for losers..

I was very disappointed. In fact it has been pretty nasty week for me at work. I’m bothered!

This is something associated with my GO AHEAD, TALK ABOUT ME POST and really, it saddened my day or rather week. It made me affected and soul-searched myself. (But I am okay now. I am laughing and I just can’t stop. Poor people! Losers forever. I just cannot believe that this sort of immaturity still happens in my office)

When you judge a person as how you see her is one thing but to discuss it with somebody else and to talk about it at her back is another. I was over the “judging thing”. In fact, I laugh upon remembering, thinking that bitterness and jealousy caused it all. People advised me that instead of having bad feelings towards them, I should pity them for jealousy is such a painful thing that is almost fatal.

I experienced jealousy and so I know how it hurts. I was thinking about them and so I gave in some considerations. I tried to understand. I tried to just ignore. After all, I don’t lose anything. To know that I was stabbed in my back is below the belt. It makes me feel small, yes, but I say that they will never find themselves big when they let others appear small. There is no contentment in that. I got the point that I know myself better than they know me but to see something against you is something that can break my day.

It pissed me more because I tried to be good though I am Little Miss Attitude. I tried to ignore what I heard about and just go on with my life, giving them more things to talk about. I like to tell that the name they are calling me is non-sense. I mean “feeling close” is a compliment to my amicability. It actually shouts about what they don’t have. I am not ashamed of being who I am and trying my best to be close to everybody. Without it, I won’t meet my best friends and other people who made a difference in my life. Is there something wrong with that? If there is, back-stabbing is still worse.

However, I really believe that their talent in making people hate life is rusty. I can actually do better than that but I don’t think they deserve some of my effort, not even a bit of it. I don’t push myself to people who don’t like me. Hell! I have lots of friends and without those haters, my life will still be happy and will still be complete. Actually, they don’t matter and I believe that it will always be that way.

To conclude that I am actually doing everything to make them my friends is a big lie. Don’t assume that much, losers.This is not the right thing to do, yes. A properly-behaved lady should just be shutting up, dealing with other more sensible things. and not letting out her frustration on the blog she owns but I need to unleash this hate. I need to express what I felt after finding out everything. I need to tell the world that I was hurt after I heard those slur pertaining to me. I am still a person. I might have done wrong turns in my life but I don’t think I deserve those insults. There are people whom I've hurt… in the past. There are people whom I took for granted but I never heard them talk about me like that. I never heard their unfair judgments even though they have the right to tell me those things. They never stabbed me in my back. Whenever they have hard feelings on me, they tell me right away. They confront me because they know that back-stabbing is for losers and uneducated. I need to unleash the unfairness I felt. I need to snap back and tell them that the person they are talking about actually knows about their sordid attitude. Somehow, this is a lot better than discussing the issue to someone else and assigning terms and names to them.

BTW, thanks for making me famous and oh, a cure for losers doesn't exists.


Anonymous said...

life sucks....

Sirilah Luvah said...


Yeah and meaningless but knowing Sirilah Raman is part of it doesn't anymore:)