Monday 15 November 2010

someday i'll learn...

I had the brilliant idea to go ice skating. Me...a klutz. A girl with no coordination... A girl that runs into walls. A girl who, (completely sober) would still fail a field test of walking a straight line.

Yes, that girl (me) strapped on a pair of rental skates, threw caution to the wind and eased my way onto the ice.

It took about 2.2 seconds to realize that I had lost my mind.

I was happened to be at Sunway Pyramid on Saturday morning… ok, it was not a co-incident. I had to be there to support my so called bowling team from office… anyway, since the game didn’t turn out as I expected, I left early. Then I remembered the ice skating!

Since there was no elegant gliding, no effortless maneuvering or fancy footwork… No no...those things were replaced with cursing, stumbling, and more cursing. I resorted to clinging to the edge of the rink as if it were my life preserver, maintaining a death grip while cautiously scooting my way around the arena. Moments of panic came at points when other skaters were resting against the edge of the rink, directly ahead of me. Forcing me to let go of safety, say a quick prayer and try to glide past them to the other side.

Most of my efforts were successful. One was not. I was faintly aware of everything moving in slow motion. I felt my foot catch and my body loses balance. I remember thinking, "Oh Damn! No! No no no no no!!! Please no! Everyone's watching!" Then everything went white. Followed by the oddest sensation of feeling that while my butt was terribly face was burning with fire.

All in all it was good fun, though it's not something I'm in a terrible hurry to try again.

1 comment:

Suresh Nair said...

Sri, shouldn't you stick to some safer sports such as bird watching?
Next time let us know before hand, you may need a couple of shoulders to lean on.
The butt being terribly cold and face on fire must have resulting in a thermocouple effect resulting in the sudden whitenes.