Thursday 28 April 2011

good triumphs over evil? i doubt that!

I am curious where people stand on this topic. It seems to be one of those that float around in various subjects such as religion and spirituality. With the common belief that "don't worry because in the end, good always triumphs over evil."

I am of the belief that it is just a fairy tale. I think that a more accurate statement is that most of the time evil triumphs over good and it’s not the other way round. Trust me, I just had a sudden experience meeting a living proof of an evil!

Our world is built on power. The people who run the world have all the power - the same amoral people who will get away with things. And of course the other group - decent, gentle and kind people are pretty much screwed in this world.

I guess we can look at when "good has triumphed over evil". Probably a prime example would be the allies defeating the Nazi's in WWII. Unfortunately though, we are far from some sort of benevolent entity. The history surrounding WWII doesn't show a whole lot of "good" anywhere, just varying degrees of evil. We keep replacing one master with another. The end is still the same. Average people exploited for the benefit of the few.

Sometime I really wish I could believe that in the end good will triumphs over evil, but right now I only think it is something we tell ourselves so we can sleep at night.


Anu said...

I agree with u. I think it's just an ideal statement that we tell ourselves, just to make ourselves feel better, when deep down inside u know that evil still wins.

Anonymous said...

The "People who run the World". Each and everyone plays a part in it. I don't believe in the "We & They" classification.

Though I tend to agree with you that is seems Evil usually triumphs over good ..... but there is HOPE.

sri said...

hi anu... i sppose there IS some sorta balance in this! may be we need lotsa patience and wisdom to see/feel it...