Friday 12 October 2007


On the heels of writing a post about being single and fabulous, I feel duty bound to make an amendment here.

While I love the freedom and spontaneity of the single life (as do many of you), deep down I think there will be a point in many of our lives when we will still want someone to share the (fabulousness that is 'us') with. Some are open about this desire... while others treat it like a dirty magazine they don't want their parents to find. They hide it in the back of the closet, tucking it under boxes and behind old clothes, all the while hoping that it never finds the light of day.

I guess some of us were absent that day in school when we were all taught that life isn't always fair, because just when you think you've successfully beaten back the desire for a relationship... there it is, tugging at your sleeve like an impatient child.

While I have no problem whittling away the hours flirting and enjoying the perks of being single... the reality is... I just don't want to be single forever.

My heart longs for someone whose lips know just where to caress the slope of my neck... whose hand fits the curve of my waist...whose heart beats in time with mine.


Anonymous said...

"Someone whose lips know just where to caress the slope of my neck... whose hand fits the curve of my waist... whose heart beats in time with mine..."

Thats hot!

Well, I am new to your blog and I dont know whether you are serious about "who needs boys when you can blog" mantra, or whether you are a fulltime, seasoned spinster... but from the way i see it - I am sure you get plenty of attention from men...:)


Anonymous said...

Aww you know, I was really smiling at your last post and it makes me a little sad to see that you have come back to this again. Two weeks ago I went through all my posts deleting some with too much personal information in (I'll blog about that at some point soon). But I did not realize how many of them were me complaining about something. I wonder if you realize how many of your posts are about you sadness of being single. It makes me worry you are putting all you hopes of happiness in the idea of a realationship. My heart goes out to you.

sri said...

princess extraordinaire... while I appreciate the concern... I'm not sure if you understood the concept of the post. It's not about being sad that I'm single. It's not about putting ALL my happiness into the prospect of having a relationship.

The post is about accepting and being able to enjoy my time as a single person... but to also look forward to a time when I can have a companion to share things with.

Being single IS fabulous. But so is having that 'someone.' And this post says... though I look forward to it one day... I'm okay where I am right now.

Don't worry about me...I'm doin' alright.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear those details. I tend to be a worrier. Hope I didn't come off rude or nosey. You are such a great gal and I hope to see you beaming with happiness all the time :D