Wednesday 19 December 2007

an "I need a HUG" day

It can be difficult when, after getting used to physical contact, you go a day without any. And I'm just talking hugs here. I could have used one today. My day just went on too long and began in a hurry that set me on edge for the rest of the day.


Anonymous said...

When my nephew was born last year, my mother said to me, "When you were a baby, you just liked to be held all the time." I replied, "I still do." I had just been thru a breakup, so she said, "Aww" and gave me a hug.

Now there's someone new in my life, my hubby! Though we don't see each other as often as we should be cuz he travels a lot but what really surprised me at first was that a lot of times when we first see each other again after one of his long tour of duty, we just need to hold each other for at least couple of minutes.

Sri - I send you virtual hugs!

sri said...

thx for the virtual hugs..:)

Anonymous said...

Hugs... I know exactly what you mean. Hugs feel so good.

Anonymous said...


I'm sending you a HUGE HUG. Actually, more than one. I wish I was there to give you a real one, though :) Completely understand the sentiment, though- I think it's also about the holiday and end-of-year season, where it's just be nice to be held for a bit!

take care,
mm :)

sri said...

Interesting how now, I’ve become so much of a cuddle-cuddle person. I’ve always been the one that not into hug and things that goes along with that. I guess it’s me growing up…

thx merlina – miss you