Sunday 15 February 2009

i'm trying to get to my car so NO i don't want to give you my number!

You know, I've come to see that I must give off some sort of idiot vibe when I've wiped my makeup off for the day.

Case in point.

I went to the gym, washed my face, got hot, sweaty and then proceeded to clean up and head to the grocery store at bangsar village for some toiletries. Went in, got the items and its raining when I came out. I decide that I'm not a sugar, as I won't melt in the rain when cross the street towards my car... what do I hear behind me, but some guy talking about how I'm not even listening to who's talking to me...*blink* and *raised eyebrow*. What follows is some dude trying to pick me up in the rain, in the parking lot of bangsar village.

Him: You sure look pretty, you got a boyfriend?
Me: No (inching toward door of car).
Him: That's good so you can be my girlfriend.
Me: I don't even know you.
Him: *switching tactics* You got kids. (now this ticks me off...yes I am an ample hipped woman, however this should not be the determining factor in me having kids...)
Me: I don't like children.
Him: *shocked* Really!
Me: Yes, I prefer my godchildren...children that I can give back.
Him: *changing tactics again* Can I have your phone number.
Me: Sure *I proceed to give him number... some made up digits...
Him: *smug* Don't get a boyfriend, cause you're going to be my girlfriend.
Me: *condescending smile* Again, I don't know you.

At this point I get into my car *finally* and drive away.

1 comment:

Anu said...

Why do guys have the knack of trying to come on women at the perfect(read ridiculous) times?